Find us at the American Academy Senior School Hall on Sunday 16th March 2025.

We meet every Sunday at 10:30am in the American Academy Senior School.
Whether you arrive in a car or on foot, please enter through the carpark off Nikodemou Mylona Street (opposite Wagamama).
We have flags and stewards to guide you in.

What to expect?

First – a very warm welcome, but do arrive early to get a seat in the main auditorium!
Our service lasts about 90 minutes. We start with a couple of songs before updating the church on our weekly activities.

Our teaching is biblically centred and each talk lasts for about 30 minutes. There are children’s classes available.

Communion is celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month.

We are an independent church and self financing. Every week we take up a financial offering towards the running costs of the church and our mission. However, visitors are not expected to contribute.

For children?

Explorers is for children aged 3-6 & 7-11. At Larnaca Community Church we want every child to know God and grow in their faith. We offer lots of fun and creative activities to help children and families do this. You can Register your child online now.

Climbing Higher is for 12-17yrs. It is our hope that young people come to an understand7ing of God’s good purpose for their lives.

We also have a small space for parents with babies.
Please note this is not a staffed area, parents must remain with their children at all times.

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